What is the Color of Your Litter Box? Education

Fuzzy cat holding a diploma and a mortar board with a telescope. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

MONTY from Alabama.

Although the School of Hard Knocks is recognized all over the world, there is no question a reputable degree will give you a paw up.

Monty, a Persian Cat found his degree helped him immensely. “Prior to getting my PhD in Astro Physics from Calicotech, I was literally living in an alley and staring off into space for prolonged periods of time. Now, I get paid an insane amount of money to stare off into space for prolonged periods of time.”

Group of cats: Calico, Tabby, Siamese & Tuxedo Cat. illustrated by Lynn Chang.
Differentiate yourself from the pack and consider these fine institutions.

Trinity Southern, alma mater of Colby Nolan
University of Phoenix Online

Brown Hair Everywhere University
Hairvard University
Yeowl University

Clawdeis University
Litter Case Western Reserve
Purrrr…due University
Tufts of Fur Under Your Couch University
University of Feline
University of Meowssachussetts

As you prepare for the business world, it is important you begin to consider your business attire. Depending if you are a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter there are a variety of colors that you can select that will highlight your inner beauty. And for those of you who can’t decide, you generally can’t go wrong with a classic color like black.

The Famous Kitty Planet Studded Outlaw Leather Safety Cat Collar