Is your belly dragging on the ground? Is the girth of your middle preventing you from insinuating your hairy body into places it shouldn’t be going in the first place? Are you looking more like a furry cheese wheel these days than a toned predator, feared and respected by the underlings that surround you? Well, with summer right around the corner, here are some tips that will get you beach body ready in no time!
- Cardio is king. We recommend chasing the unseen object, climbing curtains or in our example above, running on a treadmill.
- Get a workout partner. It doesn’t matter if they are long-haired, short haired or no-haired. They will help you keep committed to your exercise regime.
- Ramp it up. There is nothing like ramping up your exercise to get the blood flowing and to drop those pounds.
- Don’t give up. It takes time to build up your endurance!