August 17, 2009
How To Handle a Shedding Cat
Here is a simple way to handle your shedding cat.
All you need is the following:
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Old pantyhose
- Elastic Band
- Shedding cat
- Cut off foot of pantyhose.
- Take vacuum cleaner out of closet.
- Put pantyhose foot (the small piece) over the vacuum cleaner nozzle and secure with an elastic band.
- Plug in vacuum cleaner.
- Find your cat.
- Hold cat securely.
- Turn on vacuum cleaner.
- Manually remove hair from pantyhose when it gets too thick. Hair may be saved for other projects (check back here later).
- When no hair is coming off cat anymore and the cat is visibly smaller than before you are finished..
Voila! A non-shedding and happy cat!