• What is the Color of Your Litterbox? Cat Burglar

    White cat with stocking over head and a bag of stolen goods. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    Although there are many perils in breaking the law, especially with legislation like Three Strikes in California, there really is no reason an enterprising kitty should not consider a successful career in crime. After all, how do you think Cat Burglar was coined?

    Depending on your neighborhood, the amazing rewards of this job can keep you purring for days. And you’ll find the selection of items you can paw is quite broad. You need not limit yourself to precious stones and metals – after all what’s wrong with a lovely fish skeleton or an exciting leathery, petrified bat that someone found in their basement and tried unsuccessfully to give to the garbage collector for several weeks? You’ll find all these items have surprisingly good street value with your friendly neighborhood fencer.

    Another plus is that you’ll find your slinky ways and ability to see in the dark an incredible asset that sets you head, shoulders and tails above other petty criminals of lesser animals.

    Consider this career if you;

    • Demonstrate extreme patience
    • Tremble from excitement and make an “eh eh eh” sound when you see something you want
    • Can spot a D flawless from across the room

    Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Miller

    The Famous Kitty Planet Studded Outlaw Leather Safety Cat Collar

  • What Color is Your Litterbox? NASA Scientist

    White cat with sunglasses behind desk with a rocket on desktop. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    The myth of cats only excelling in liberal arts is that – a myth only. Many cats have found great success in the world of science and you can too. And if you’re going to reach for the stars, to explore the space and time continuum, to pioneer the future in aeronautics research or to contact the Mother Ship, we believe you need to reach no higher than to be a NASA scientist.

    Consider this career if you:

    • Can concentrate on one thing for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.
    • Approach situations from a detached, analytical point-of-view
    • Recite all of Newton’s laws of motion

    Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Miller.



  • What is the Color of Your Litterbox | Are you a Thinker?

    Grey fuzzy cat with paws tucket in like a parcel with light bulb idea over head. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    If you have been faithfully following the blog last week, you may have determined you are not a DOER. But please do not lose hope because you may very well be a THINKER.

    Thinkers are cats that are excellent planners. They plot, plan AND plan ahead.

    Take this quiz if you think you might be a Thinker:

    You tend to get on the forbidden kitchen counter top:
    a. When no one is home, but leave evidence that someone else, not you was there
    b. To bite the pie that was left out and loosely wrapped even though you don’t like pie.
    c. When you want to look out the window
    d. To play with the dripping faucet

    If you answered “a”, you are a thinker.

    Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Miller



  • What is the Color of Your Litterbox? Jobs for Doers : Entre-purrr-neur

    Angry grey cat showing teeth and a puffy tail. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    Let’s face it, every kitty has a bit of the entre-purrr-neur in them. You’re independent, you have ideas, lots of good ones and most kitties like working for yourself. However, this seemingly purrr…fect description, in reality, might not work for every kitty. Keep in mind you must embrace risk, endure many, many hours of work without pay or pets and you must also truly believe in a capitalistic society. If any of these aspects just aren’t you, than you may want to consider something different to sink your claws into.

    Consider this career if you;

    • Possess vision, determination and motivation
    • Adapt quickly to evolving situations
    • Grasp the big picture such as global markets and technology

    Don’t forget to check in next week to see for Part 5, to see if You Are a Thinker!

    Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Miller


  • What is the Color of Your Litterbox? Sky Diving Cat Instructor

    Striped Cat with a Parachute. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    This is an often overlooked career consideration for kitties which is unfortunate because is can be very rewarding especially if you like heights. Plus, because so few kitties are Sky Diving Instructors, you’ll find your resume submission welcomed with open arms…and laps. Consider this career if you;

    • Enjoy the wind in your fur
    • Embrace the thrill of an adrenaline rush
    • Feel a strong desire to push others out of their comfort thresholds

    Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Wadsworth

    The Famous Kitty Planet Studded Outlaw Leather Safety Cat Collar

  • What is the Color of Your Litter Box ? Cat Plumber

    Striped Cat drinking water from a toilet. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    If you are a DOER, then a Plumber is a respectable job that you may consider.

    Do you:
    • Love working in and around water
    • Enjoy fiddling with hardware like toilets and sink drains
    • Engage regularly in systematic problem solving

    If your answer is yes to all above, this may be the purrr…fect job for you. The great thing about being a plumber is that every human needs one at some point or another – especially if they’re flushing used litter down the toilet. And let’s not forget the added benefit that you’ll never be thirsty on the job.

    Created by Lynn Chang & Christienne Miller


  • Discover the Color of Your Litterbox | Are you a DOER?

    Striped cat at in a trash can holding a fish bone. Illustrated by Lynn Chang.

    Doers are cats that don’t leave situations alone to resolve by chance or at the hands of others.

    Are you a Doer Quiz

    When hungry are you more likely to:
    a. Wait for permission to eat?
    b. Forego eating until you are begged to eat?
    c. Take your hunger pains out on the dog?
    d. Dive into the trashcan and eat everything you find, even though it may choke you?

    If you answered “d”, you are a DOER.

    Created by Lynn Chang & Christienne Miller


  • What is the Color of Your Litterbox? Who Are You?

    5 cats in a crew boat. Illustration by Lynn Chang.
    Crew is generally not not a good career for cats.

    It is very important when selecting a career, you select one that is right for you. For most felines, careers that work best are ones where you can assert your independence. Team oriented jobs, like crew should probably be avoided.

    The following posts will help you determine the best career path for you. Check in tomorrow to see if you are a DOER.

    Created by Lynn Chang & Christienne Miller



  • What is the Color of Your Litter Box? Education

    Fuzzy cat holding a diploma and a mortar board with a telescope. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    MONTY from Alabama.

    Although the School of Hard Knocks is recognized all over the world, there is no question a reputable degree will give you a paw up.

    Monty, a Persian Cat found his degree helped him immensely. “Prior to getting my PhD in Astro Physics from Calicotech, I was literally living in an alley and staring off into space for prolonged periods of time. Now, I get paid an insane amount of money to stare off into space for prolonged periods of time.”

    Group of cats: Calico, Tabby, Siamese & Tuxedo Cat. illustrated by Lynn Chang.
    Differentiate yourself from the pack and consider these fine institutions.

    Trinity Southern, alma mater of Colby Nolan
    University of Phoenix Online

    Brown Hair Everywhere University
    Hairvard University
    Yeowl University

    Clawdeis University
    Litter Case Western Reserve
    Purrrr…due University
    Tufts of Fur Under Your Couch University
    University of Feline
    University of Meowssachussetts

    As you prepare for the business world, it is important you begin to consider your business attire. Depending if you are a Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter there are a variety of colors that you can select that will highlight your inner beauty. And for those of you who can’t decide, you generally can’t go wrong with a classic color like black.

    The Famous Kitty Planet Studded Outlaw Leather Safety Cat Collar
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