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  • Declaw on Cats – BANNED!

    Celebration of making De-clawing illegal drawings. Animated. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    It’s two paws down for cat de-clawing. Both the Los Angeles City Council and the Beverly Hills City council have voted unanimously in a preliminary action to ban declawing cats. A final vote on the ordinance is scheduled for November 17, 2009.

    Los Angeles councilman Bill Rosendahl, who owns three cats and looked dashing in a black suit covered in white cat hair stated “The bottom line is, you take the claws out of a cat, you take away the cat.” He did not need to add you also take away the various art forms your cat can create with those claws.


    Cat turning into a pig. Animated. Illustration by Lynn Chang.

    Another Feline First!

    A 13 year old neutered male cat, a domestic short hair if you must know, may be the first feline infected with Swine Flu.The cat who wishes to only be known as “Mr Whiskers” for privacy purposes, became infected after several of his captive human slaves caught the flu. “I couldn’t let them all get sick by themselves,” he purrs.

    “Despite his equivalent age of 68 human years,” officials at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Ames stated, “[Mr Whiskers] once again shows feline supremacy by fully recovering – without having to use any of his nine lives.”

    “I would like to thank the veterinarians at Iowa State even though I think the name-University College- is a bit redundant even for a cat with limited writing skills.” [Mr. Whiskers] meows. He adds, “I am not considered a high risk in spreading the virus and that is all I will say on the matter. I do appreciate the public’s respect for my privacy at this time.”

    It is not known if he is striped or not.