- Most embarrassing nickname. Sam-Sam.
- Favorite Human food? Red grapes, which are fun to chase around on the floor.
- In or out? I like to chill out on my favorite windowsill perch and just watch squirrels and hummingbirds all day.
- Sweet Kitty or Alley Cat Brat? All sweetness, no spice.
- Best Actor/Actress to play in in a feature film? Tom Hanks. Who doesn’t love Tom Hanks? Sleepless in Seattle is one of my favorite movies, even though there aren’t any cats in it.
Once upon a time, Sammy Jo was one of Los Angele’s many homeless felines.
She is a TNR (trap-neuter-return) success story, “fixed” for free at FixNation. For more info about FixNation or to donate to its mission, visit fixation.org or their Facebook page|FixNation.
It’s easy! Just send the following to meow@kitty-planet.com
with KITTY STARS in the subject line.
- a hi-res image of your furry self
- answer the following 5 questions
- Most embarrassing nickname?
- Favorite human food?
- In or Out?
- Sweet Kitty or Alley Cat Brat?
- Best Actor/Actress to play me in a feature film?