Here are some fun links and blogs on cats you might enjoy!

If you have or know of a great something that should be listed send us an e-mail!



    An adorable blog chronicling the fantastic adventures of D’Artagnan Rumblepurr & Inigo Flufflebum.

    Who says one cat is one cat too many?
    Five Cats Blog

    Fashion cat blog celebrating kitties with style!
    Cats Wearing Hats

    Wonderful cat blog dedicated to a beautiful Calico Cat, “The Studio Cat” with rich information about the Studio Cat, cats in general, famous people and their cats, cats in art, history, books, literature and poetry and hilarious sections on cat sounds, muci, dance (yes, dance) and cats in film, video and animations. Basically, if you go to this site all you need to complete your cat experience is to have one!
    The Studio Cat


    The classic:
    I Can Haz Cheezburger

    This site makes me laugh out loud but apparently it offends some people. They post the complaints too.
    Cats That Look Like Hitler

    The subject matter here may turn some of you off but makes me laugh every time I see it. The drawings are terrific.
    I Gave My Cat an Enema

    Another classic! My Cat Hates You dot com
    My Cat Hates You dot com

    A delightful blog on Romeo the cat – that has raised over $70,000 for cat rescue!
    Romeo the Cat

    Love cats? Love Art? This blog is for you!
    The Creative Cat

    Single with a cat (aren’t we all?) Chronicles of a NYC singleton with a cat!

    Anyone who owns cats, knows they are mellow, this site completes the proof.
    Stuff on My Cat

    Can’t get enough of I CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGER? Check this site out!
    Meow Cheese