If you’re not a DOER, a THINKER or a CREATOR and at you realize you are not a HELPER – you’re starting to run out of options fuzzbutt. So, if you’re one of those cats that can’t make any decision at some point you have to chose something. Why you ask? Well have you read the papers recently? Reality check. The economy is going down and the gravy train is coming to an end. That’s why.
In times like this, the kitties, the key is self-sufficiency. Otherwise you know where you might end up? The alley! Is that what you want?
So listen now and listen good. No one said a job was going to be easy. The good news is that maybe you’re a HELPER. Read on and see if this is the right path for you.
Are you a Helper?
When you encounter a messy dinner plate you tend to:
- Bury it to hide the smell
- Clean it thoroughly to prepare it for the dishwasher
- Knock it onto the floor and play with the broken pieces
- Ignore it and go take a nap
If you answered “bury it” or “knock it to the floor”, you are a Helper.
Created by Lynn Chang and Christienne Miller